
DOMIC | 沙丘中的“生态巢穴”

普利斯设计集团 普利斯设计集团placedesigngroup 2022-09-11

位于阳光海岸的生态住宅 DOMIC (domicnoosa.com)摘得了2020澳大利亚景观建筑师学会昆士兰州(AILA QLD)景观建筑卓越奖。

Domic, an eco-residence located on Sunshine Coast, received the Award of Excellence for Gardens at the 2020 Australian Institute of Landscape Architecture Queensland (AILA QLD) Awards.


DOMIC(俄语中圆顶屋的意思)是一个远离都市的“生态巢穴”,位于阳光海岸的努沙国家公园(Noosa National Park)入口处,俯瞰太平洋。房子依偎在沙丘中,屋顶和墙壁上覆盖着当地特有的天然植被。住宅为洞穴状,与自然和原始环境有着巧妙的联系。

Domic (Russian for House of Domes), is an off-the-grid eco lair on the doorstep of Noosa National Park overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The house is nestled into the sand dune wrapping its roof and walls in a blanket of natural vegetation endemic to the area. The abode is cave like and dramatically connected to the natural and primeval surroundings.

摄影Photo: Jarod Dingle


The brief was to create a building that is harmonious with its natural surroundings. The response to this was to bring the Noosa National Park over the top of the building, blurring the lines between landscape and building, integrating the landscape typologies of the Sunshine Beach sand dunes with materials, colours, habitat and vegetation to engender a primal sense of belonging to the place.



The project explored bespoke designs and innovations in green roof and green wall systems so that the landscape could be seamlessly integrated with the architecture. In many ways the landscape informed the architectural design which was a refreshing dynamic throughout the design process.
This ground-breaking Sunshine Coast project benefited from close collaboration with the structural engineer, architect as well as the landscape architect to ensure the architectural vision for the project could be achieved.



通过将景观建筑置于高端住宅设计的主导地位,DOMIC 打造了一个优秀的案例,展示了如何可以通过设计将自然世界敏锐地融入到一个4层的建筑中,激发对这个地方的归属感,并保持一种自然的体验及惊奇和发现的感觉。
Putting landscape architecture in the driving seat of high-end residential design, the project is a shining example of how, through design, the natural world can be sensitively integrated into a 4-storey building to provoke a sense of belonging to the place and to maintain a natural experience and sense of wonder and discovery.
“这是一个非常独特、漂亮,但同时又富有创新性的花园景观。这个项目让景观引起了主流社会的注意。尤其是在这个关注生态友好的时代。” DOMIC 的景观主创 James Birrell 在接受阳光海岸日报(Sunshine Coast Daily)的采访时说道。
“It’s a very unique, beautiful but also innovative garden landscape. What it does, is help put landscape in the spotlight of mainstream society. Particularly in anage of eco-friendliness, “ said James Birrell, the mastermind behind the landscape design of Domic, when accepting an interview from Sunshine Coast Daily.



James 在采访中表示能看到这个家随着时间慢慢生长是无价的体验。“我对这个项目感到非常骄傲,不过它还在幼儿期,还是个婴孩。”
James said in the interview that watching the home grow over time was priceless. “I am so very proud of it. But it is in its infancy, it’s a baby.”

由 James Birrell 领导的 James Birrell Design Lab 于2019年11月与普利斯设计集团合并,提升我们为阳光海岸社区做出重大贡献的能力。
Established by James Birrell, James Birrell Design Lab merged with Place Design Group in November 2019, strengthening our ability to make significant contribution to the Sunshine Coast community.
客户:Evgeny Skigin
摄影:除特别标注,其余照片均出自 Scott Burrows





